2010년 4월 18일 일요일

Bathing Outside in Below Zero Celsius!

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Continuing on is the trip to Hungary.

I went to the largest outdoor bath in Hungary.

Even though I thought that and outdoor bath is nonsense for a cold-fearing-me, I thought I might regret it afterwards if I didn’t even try. So I calmed myself down and talked myself into this.

The place is known to be co-sex.

Outdoor baths brought back the old stories of the fairy and the woodcutter and the memory of a woman that used to bathe by the well.

The Free Spirit Bathes Outdoors in Renaissance Style in Weather Below Zero Degrees.

At last I arrived at the place.

I paid at the entrance and was given an electronic band to wear on my wrist.

However, no matter how I put the band on the gates and tried to get in, the gates would not open when all the others had already gone in.

So I had to go back to the place I had paid. There was a huge line in front of it once again, but I simply couldn’t wait at the end so I just went to the front. Then I felt someone nudge me, nonverbally telling me not to cut in line. However, there was no way I was going to be able to communicate with him so I showed him my electronic bracelet, letting out a sound something like “Umm” and he let me stand there with a “Uh”.

Even though it’s like “animal world”, there is no need for words. Nonverbal language can take you a long way.

At last it is time for me to become a free spirit.

Of course, you wear your bathing suit so you’re not naked but it still bothered me since everybody started staring at me. It was so embarrassing that everyone suddenly explicitly looked at me.

No matter how much you wander around Hungary, there’s a fat chance you’ll meet any Asians.

There are not many foreigners that live there to begin with and since it was winter, there weren’t many travelers either. In this kind of situation I guess it was interesting for them to see a petit, meaning short legs and arms, woman with a round face coming into the bath on her own.


ST1000(CL65) l 1/500s l F8.1 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

The place looks like a museum.


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The whole place is like a Renaissance art piece.


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There are paintings on the dome-like ceiling.


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The ceiling is this high.


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The Hungarians at the lobby where they sell tickets!


ST1000(CL65) l 1/500s l F8.1 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

Into the water at last!!


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A pretty Hungarian woman.


ST1000(CL65) l 1/500s l F8.1 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

Even though the weather itself was really cold, the pool was quite hot so I wasn’t cold at all.

Actually, it was quite refreshing since my body in the water was warm and my head was cool.


ST1000(CL65) l 1/500s l F8.1 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

The water coming out of the statue!

Oh~ it’s warmJ


ST1000(CL65) l 1/350s l F9.5 l ISO 200 l 20.5mm l Program Auto

Behind the Hungarian beauty, there’s a chess set.

After always having to bathe in haste in Morocco, enjoying it here in peace, I was so happy.

If you could play a game of chess in the warm water, wouldn’t it be such a pleasure?


Left : ST1000(CL65) l 1/6s l F3.6 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

Right : ST1000(CL65) l 1/20s l F3.6 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

After bathing, I saw the statue in the lobby.

There are a lot of buildings painted in yellow in Hungary.

They say that yellow is the symbol of ‘abundance’, ‘wealth’, and ‘power’.


ST1000(CL65) l 1/350s l F8.1 l ISO 200 l 6.3mm l Program Auto

SAM_3218 After the bath, I came outside.

The person coming out of the door is me.

Can you see the steam coming out from me?

<a crisp head and a warm body> is what we call

<A cold brain and a warm heart>

Aren’t there so many times we live a ‘hot-headed, cold-hearted’ life instead of a ‘cold-headed and warm-hearted’ one.

Even though I want to upload myself in a bikini….

I shall just let it go.

Well, you never know. Maybe one day I’ll get the courage.

Behind me is the Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt.

If you can’t see him, empty your heart and look again!


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All photos, above, have been shot with the Samsung ST1000(CL65), which has been provided by Samsung Digital Imaging Co., Ltd.

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