2010년 3월 30일 화요일

What’s your hobby?

I don’t think I haven’t mentioned anything about what I do. I’m currently attending at George Brown College in Toronto as a student for Jewellery Arts program. Because I have some spare time this year, I tried to make a piece with leftover materials from last year.
ST1000(CL65) 1/45s l F3.6 l ISO 160 l 6.3mm
It’s not a finished piece – silver is not polished and stones are not set. I’m trying to make a pendant for necklace but not decided yet for sure.. We’ll see what happen later. :) I’ll show you the finished piece in the future IF I finish this in this term… lol
I usually take a rest at home with having some tea or coffee after coming back from school or work. I had huge interest on black tea about 5 years ago and it became one of my hobbies. I still enjoy making variety kinds of tea not using tea bags – like milk tea, fruit tea, iced tea, or tea from other countries like Russian tea. (I recommend Russian tea for people who cannot sleep easily at night!)
Today, I’ve decided to have my favourite tea, Assam.
ST1000(CL65) 1/45s l F3.6 l ISO 400 l 6.3mm
ST1000(CL65) 1/30s l F3.6 l ISO 800 l 6.3mm
These are some of tea that I have. I usually buy small bags to taste more and not to keep tea leaves too long, except Assam because it’s my all time favourite!
Standard of tea for one person is one teakettle, so about two and half tea cups in total. But that’s what it says in Europe or by tea experts so the amount of tea is totally up to people who are drinking. :)
ST1000(CL65) 1/20s l F3.6 l ISO 800 l 6.3mm
These are the kettle and teacup that I’m using. Porcelain kettle is better than the iron one because it keeps the heat and scent of tea longer. I also enjoy white colour teacup to see the colour of tea. :)
ST1000(CL65) 1/30s l F3.6 l ISO 800 l 6.3mm
Using tap water is the best for tea because more oxygen in water gives you better taste of tea. If you don’t have tap water, shaken bottle of water is fine too. :)
ST1000(CL65) 1/30s l F3.6 l ISO 800 l 6.3mm
First boiling water is for warming up the kettle and teacup. Warmed up kettle makes more movement of tea leaves so it can give you smooth and deep taste and scent. Keep hot water in kettle while you boil water again for tea.
ST1000(CL65) 1/30s l F3.6 l ISO 800 l 6.3mm
After 2 or 3 minutes later, throw away hot water from kettle and put 1 heaping teaspoon of tea leaf. That’s what it says on the guide but again, it’s totally up to the person who will enjoy it. :) Better close the kettle after put tea leaf to not to lose the scent!
ST1000(CL65) 1/45s l F3.6 l ISO 800 l 6.3mm
I usually have a first cup after 2 minutes brewing it especially for Assam, because Assam has strong taste. I recommend Assam for milk tea as well from that point. :) Having some sweet cookies or sweet scone is also a good match with Assam straight tea.
So, what’s your hobby? Do you have your own hobby to get relaxed and have fun at home? :)
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All photos, above, have been shot with the Samsung ST1000(CL65), which has been provided by Samsung Digital Imaging Co., Ltd.

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