2011년 4월 12일 화요일

[Samsung NX100] New way to shoot with i-Function as a mirrorless camera



New way to shoot with i-Function as a mirrorless camera


The usage of cameras is divided by the size. Compact cameras have strength in the size, but weakness in the quality, and DSLRs have the weakness in the mobility.


That’s why people tried to look for a portable and high quality camera, and the result is the mirrorless cameras. Mirror and penta prism were taken out from DSLR cameras, they are relatively small, and the larger APS-C sensor than compact cameras allows high quality.


Especially, Samsung Digital Imaging has released their third mirrorless camera NX100. The previous NX10 looked like a small DSLR, but the NX100 looks like a compact digital camera, and by adopting the i-Function which controls the body from the lens, it becomes more convenient. In this review, I’m going to take a closer look at the Samsung NX100.


The NX100 and 20-50mm lens used for this review were not an official version, so they might be different from the official products.

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