2009년 7월 27일 월요일

Black as Coffee…. ….with milk :)


[Samsung Pro815 1/8 ㅣf/4.6 ㅣISO 100ㅣ7.4mm]

Black and white are colors, but I think everyone thought about them as they were not colors What a complicated idea:) ( Someone once wrote a comment to this photo above, that, as it feels to see the smell of coffee, came probably good)


[Samsung WB1000(TL320) 1/2000 ㅣf/5.6 ㅣISO 80ㅣ7.7mm]clip_image003

[Samsung Pro815 1/15 ㅣf/3.2 ㅣISO 50ㅣ25.7mm]

At the beginning did not like to do black and white photos, also admit that it is quite difficult. This is not so easy as I thought. More to say, it is very difficult, I hadn’t any idea how to do it.


[Samsung WB1000(TL320) 1/180 ㅣf/6.6 ㅣISO 80ㅣ4.3mm]


[Samsung WB1000(TL320) 1/350 ㅣf/5.1 ㅣISO 200ㅣ4.3mm]

I watch a lot of photos taken by others, the wife said that I am addicted and need to be treated! How much will I run the camera and then sit there and do something? All because of digital photography - that is right for everyone.


[Samsung Pro815 1/60 ㅣf/2.8 ㅣISO 50ㅣ14.2mm]clip_image007

[Samsung Pro815 1/250 ㅣf/4.0 ㅣISO 50ㅣ7.4mm]

Black and white pictures on the world looks very different - intriguingly mysterious.


[Samsung Pro815 1/100 ㅣf/5.6 ㅣISO 50ㅣ14.2mm]clip_image010

[Samsung WB1000(TL320) 1/90 ㅣf/2.8 ㅣISO 100ㅣ4.3mm]

The same photo in full color looks terrible sometimes, changing them to black and white or shades of gray become an entirely different dimension.


[Samsung Pro815 1/160 ㅣf/8 ㅣISO 50ㅣ7.4mm]


[Samsung Pro815 1/13 ㅣf/3.5 ㅣISO 100ㅣ10.3mm]

Unfortunately I have to admit that even I can not work around without the help of a computer program: (- all the time I teach new tricks to go better and better.


[Samsung Pro815 1/30 ㅣf/3.2 ㅣISO 50ㅣ15.5mm]


[Samsung Pro815 1/20 ㅣf/5.0 ㅣISO 50ㅣ23.2mm]

But on the other hand, these are my ideas. So it seems to me that I ‘do’ it to the end. I think that was right?


[Samsung Pro815 1/30 ㅣf/2.2 ㅣISO 100ㅣ7.4mm]clip_image016

[Samsung Pro815 1/30 ㅣf/2.2 ㅣISO 100ㅣ7.4mm]clip_image017

[Samsung Pro815 1/100 ㅣf/3.2 ㅣISO 50ㅣ19.4mm]

Is black-and-white world does not seem interesting to you? Try it and enjoy it for sure …


[Samsung Pro815 1/160 ㅣf/5 ㅣISO 50ㅣ9.0mm]

All photos, above, may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, cropped, re sized, or otherwise altered without the written permission of the contributor. All photos represent the sole opinion of their individual authors and contributors and don’t express the opinion of Samsung Digital Imaging Co., Ltd., Samsungimaging.net or the opinion of any affiliates unless specifically marked as such.

All photos, above, have been shot with the Samsung Pro815 and WB1000(TL320)

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